MCM: Mom Crush Monday – My Postnatal Pilates Story
Staci Pearlman is a client at Pilates Platinum. She is fashion and beauty writer and editor. Specializing in creative writing, content integration, social media, and direct-response copywriting, she likes to think of herself as a digital storyteller. You can find out more about Staci on her site. Today on the blog she is sharing her story about her pregnancy, and postnatal fitness.
(Photo via: HatchedBaby)
I recently had a baby, and so far, it’s been pretty difficult to get into any sort of routine – especially one that involves fitness and healthy eating. Sleep deprivation, stress, and new challenges have made it even harder to get into a wellness routine. And the pressure to immediately get back into pre-pregnancy shape? That can make things even more difficult.
It was really important for me to stay in shape while I was pregnant. I did Pilates at least three days a week the entire nine months. It gave me confidence and kept me feeling great both physically and mentally. I looked forward to my daily practice, even when I wasn’t able to keep up with the rest of the class towards the end. For me, it was truly about getting up and doing something for myself.
Wirth that said, after I delivered my little one, I knew I had to keep up with the routine – even if it meant hitting the studio at 6AM before my husband left for work, or making time in the evening when I had my parents to watch the baby.
I went to my first Pilates Platinum class five weeks after my baby was born (after getting clearance from my doctor, of course), and it was a serious challenge. I was used to shining in a sea of students, but this time, things were different. I was shaky, unsteady, and frequently out of breath. But I was determined. I knew that if I wanted to get back in pre-baby shape, I would have to stick with a postnatal fitness routine and follow it. I found time to go four times a week, and saw physical and mental results instantly.
Soon, I found myself regaining the balance, strength, and control required to make it all worthwhile. I became more accepting of my post-baby body, and I felt a newfound boost in my confidence and overall mood. Starting the morning with a Pilates class as my postnatal fitness choice made me feel amazing throughout the day, and I loved knowing that I was doing something for myself. I was proud of my body and even more proud of the work I was putting into it.
All in all, Pilates has helped me become the mother I want to be. Every day, I look at my child and instantly become inspired. I feel happy that she is happy, and want to motivate her to be a strong and healthy baby, girl, and eventually, woman. I wholeheartedly believe that showing her that I can live a healthy, fit life – all while being a mother, wife, friend, and career-oriented woman, will inspire her to do the same.